Setting Jawbone 2 to Pairing Mode

25 02 2011

I just received the Jawbone 2 bluetooth headset which i bought online. To start using this headset, i am supposed to pair this up with my mobile phone (or any other bluetooth device). Apparently, the device, when i start it for the first time, it should automatically attempt to pair to the accessible device. If it doesn’t then it has to be troubleshooted this way:

Indication that the device is attempting to pair : The indicator blinks in red and white continuously


1. Turn on the device – Holding the ‘Talk’ button for few seconds will turn it on

2. While the headset is blinking red, press Noise Assassin button, Talk button, Talk button, Noise Assassin, Talk, Talk

3.  Step 2 is hard reset. Once this is done, the device restarts and immediately starts auto-pairing.